

Shaykh Ahmad Al Alawi

"We are not infallible, so if you should ever see any error from us, inform us about it. If we refuse to abandon our error, or if we contravene the Shariah, spit us out as you would spit out a date stone, and Allah will give you much better in return."

~ Shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi (may Allah sanctify his noble secret) ~

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The Great Unveiling

When a narcissist says, "I am owed the stage," you give him one.

Assalaamu Alaikum,

In late 2019, former mureeds of Abdullah el-Haddad sent out email broadcasts (copying the community) seeking accountability from Abdullah el-Haddad as well as Ramzy Ajem and Mohamed Mahmoud, co-founders of Risalah Foundation in relation to various abuse cases. Sadly, they failed to demonstrate ownership and accountability. In respectable communities and organizations, lawyers would have carried out an unbiased investigation by now. Risalah Foundation is not one of those respectable organizations.

While the great unveiling happened in late 2019, oppression and community scamming was on-going since the inception of Risalah Foundation (circa 2008). In fact, Risalah Foundation is a Ramzy Ajem LLP operating with a charitable status without a functional board and financial oversight. He is operating a Cosa Nostra. That's a serious problem and warrants legal action against Ramzy Ajem.

This site documents several cases of sexual assault by Abdullah el-Haddad, abuse of religious authority, and various other forms of merciless oppression by Abdullah el-Haddad, Ramzy Ajem, Mohamed Mahmoud, and other appointed cult chiefs. It is a disgusting theatre of lying, manipulation, slander, gossip, coercion, and a lot more. To be clear, this is not just about Abdullah el-Haddad The mastermind behind all of this is Ramzy Ajem who started Risalah Foundation over a decade ago. Content published on this site is backed by overwhelming evidence and there is a ton more.

Important Note:

I do not title Abdullah el-Haddad and Ramzy Ajem as shaykhs. They are frauds and do not deserve the noble title. It is reserved for those who meaningfully demonstrate a very high degree of Taqwa and accountability in addition to their vocational scholarly training. They are like those performance doping athletes who were stripped off their medals. They are gaming the unregulated Tariqa system, an open field for charlatans. They are running a "holy theatre" with "holy performances." They are impressionists, not scholars. They are in the business of looking and sounding like scholars, not behaving like one. They are in the Islamic content business, not the Islamic action business. They are the Bernie Madoffs of the Islamic circuit and are not alone. They are not the first ones and most definitely will not be the last ones. Fraud shaykhs have been around for as long as real shaykhs have been around. It is a well-known game within unscrupulous shaykh circles.

We have gotten obese eating the forgiveness and mercy cake. Once in a while, we need a severe-consequences diet to get rid of the toxins.

May Allah protect Muslims from charlatan shaykhs, narcissitic "Islamic" leaders, and self-appointed half-baked ustads. Ameen.

Table of Contents

There is a lot to 'spit out' (Ramzy Ajem's words).

Abuse cases: Abdullah el-Haddad, Ramzy Ajem, Mohamed Mahmoud, and others

  1. Sexual assault cases: Abdullah El-Haddad and his agents.
  2. Sexual assault cases: Risalah Foundation Oct 2019 Response
  3. The Shakur Family - coming soon
  4. Marriage Fraud: Mohamed Mahmoud, Ramzy Ajem, and others
  5. Documented experiences with the fake shaykh.(pdf)
  6. Several abuse cases from the GTA community couldn't be documented because victims have either left, are afraid to come forward because of fear of consequences (slander, blacklisting etc.), or are severely traumatized and are suffering from PTSD. One of Ramzy Ajem's victims had to seek psychiatric help and was told to "never go back again and to never speak to anyone about this."

Big Fat Lies: What is this Tariqa?!

  1. The Foundation serving the Tariqa
  2. Risalah Foundation: Muqaddams
  3. Investigate Ramzy Ajem
  4. My inbox is littered with evidence proving affiliations (Ajem - Risalah - ElHaddad - Muqaddams), and the Tariqa "org structure."

** Modern day Tariqas have become elitist country clubs for fraud shaykhs **

Oppressors: Cult Leads & Tariqa Muqaddams

  1. The Great Sage: Ramzy Ajem
  2. Touch-therapy "Shaykh" Mohamed Mahmoud el-Husaini el-Haddadi el-Shadhili (Mississauga)
  3. "Ustad" Ramy Elhamalawy - Dar al Mahabba (Calgary)
  4. Edmonton's Ameer el-Mu'minin "Ustad" Dr. Shelby Haque - Tadhkirah Foundation

** Every word coming out of their mouths must go through a lie detector **


  1. "Resident Scholars" & Endorsements: Zaid Shakir, Umar Faruq Abdallah, Walead Mosaad, Faraz Rabbani
  2. Hafiz Dr. Mustafa Ghani - Tarjuma - Edmonton

Sidi Special

  1. Sidi, this is backbiting and slander!
  2. Infrequently Understood Answers
  3. Frequently Misunderstood Questions
  4. Sufi cults
  5. Takedown Attempts
  6. Tariqah Operations - Coming Soon

Accountability (or lack of it)

  1. The Muslim Community - Coming Soon
  2. Credentialing Shaykhs & Ustads - Coming Soon